His Rainbow, His Glory


Providing bold, original, branded apparel that symbolizes the inevitable fulfillment of God's word. 

Reminding God’s children that His word will not return to Him unfulfilled; we can rest assured that what He said will happen.  


    by Christina Faith Allen

    The Problem

           Most everyone would agree that the colors of the rainbow and their sequence are “fire”.  I always wanted to wear rainbow apparel.  I would search for rainbow colored apparel, but I never could find what I wanted.  The issue was that most every item I found was not a true representation of who I am and/or what the rainbow means to me. This caused me to think of ideas that eventually solved my problem.    

    What Does the Rainbow Mean to Me?

           Whenever I see or think of a rainbow, I immediately relate it to God’s promise to never again destroy the earth by a flood. The rainbow in the story of Noah’s Ark was one of the first teachings I had (as a child) on the promises of God.  The rainbow is a sign of the established covenant (promise) God has with all life on earth. It reflects His beauty and majesty, just as we (His creation) should. My brand allows the children of God to shine bright like Our Father, and its message incorporates all the promises of God. 

    The Design

           I kept it simple, yet bold–one word (PROMISE) that makes a powerful statement by using colors of the rainbow (of course) combined with a unique lettering style. For God's Glory Alone!

    Foundational Scripture

    Isaiah 55:11

    “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”